
Johannes Lucas

Geschäftsführer / ACXIT Capital Holding GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstraße 24, 60323, Frankfurt am Main

ACXIT Capital Holding GmbH - Johannes Lucas

ACXIT Capital Partners is a leading international corporate finance and investment advisory firm for mid-market clients and entrepreneurs in Europe and beyond. Since 1998, we offer our clients comprehensive corporate finance advisory services including M&A and capital markets advisory as well as restructuring, debt and strategic advisory. As an independent, privately owned firm we maintain offices in Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Zurich, Vienna and Hong Kong as well as strong alliances in China, India and the USA….

#Debt #Capital Markets #Mergers & Acquisitions #Corporate Finance #M&A #Europe #Zurich #Real Estate #financial advisory #equity #investors #financing #institutional investors #buyout #corporate strategy #Private Equity #Investment Banking #Infrastructure #Investment #Fintech #Investor Relations #Venture Capital #Management #Financial Services #Fundraising #energy #Recruitment #Asset Management

Johannes Lucas Unternehmensdaten

  • Handelsregister:

    Frankfurt am Main

  • Register Nummer:


  • USt.-ID.-Nr.:


  • Rechtsform:

    Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

  • Branche:

    Sonstige Dienstleistungen / Investment Banking

  • Mitarbeiter:


SCOREDEX - Johannes Lucas

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105 von 1000 Punkten

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Auszeichnungen - Johannes Lucas

Interview mit Johannes Lucas

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